08 October 2006

Break Stuff

'Military power was used to end a regime by breaking a nation [today we have the power to] free a nation by breaking a regime'.

As a political speech, that's a pretty cool, I thought. So's this video. Think about what George Doubleya said whilst you listen to Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit and 'Break Stuff'. If you go in for that sort of thing, you may find that some of the lyrics are quite fitting (warning - explicit lyrics and (what is worse) military pornographic content):

Finally. I've managed to work out how to post video from YouTube. Thanks Theo.


At 10:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So let me get this stEraight Nick: you were knocking MY taste in music!

This guys seem kinda angry - perhaps they shld stay off the gin and stick to tea. They've also got, um, 'colourful' language. Could they be from Dublin (asks the Dubliner)?

At 10:50 am, Blogger Nick Dymond said...

I am not a particular fan of the band. Although their guitarist, Wes Borland, is incredibly talented. They did the theme tune to Mission Impossible.

According to their website, they're from Florida.



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