03 October 2005

influencing the battle?

It was like Picadilly Circus on the message boards today. I think that I need to take stock and reflect a little bit before I re-engage, otherwise I'll be exhausted by Christmas. And will have bored everybody to teers no doubt. It's been quite difficult to keep track of the various threads of arguement.

It's interesting that peoples ideas pop up in slightly altered guises on others posts as the discussion evolves and we play our arguements off of each other. That's got to be good.

Hopefully the 'specialists' will post their essays on their blogs. It would be interesting and indeed encouraging to see if I had influenced the battle to the extent that some of my arguement might appear in someone elses essay. Ha, that's when you know you've made it!


At 5:26 pm, Blogger Pip Leighton said...


I typed a response to this but think that I may have lost it! I agree wholeheartedly, especially about publication of essays but I realise that there are only a few other members of our group who subscribe to your blog (or indeed mine) who will have read your blog! I see that Op Benz has 17 subscribers and the next nearest is 10. You and I are down to 6 and 8 and there are some who have but 4 subscribers.

I subscribe to 13 blogs of which Op Benz and my own are 2. What I do wonder is who I am missing as the list remains incomplete.

Ho hum....


At 5:35 pm, Blogger Nick Dymond said...

I think people are having a real problem aggregating their blogs. I doubt that it's a hardware problem, more likely individual motivation! It's a pity that youy can't see who your subscribers are. Some people don't seem to even created a blog at all. Are there people missing from the course? I'm going to count up the names that are getting involved in the discussion threads.
As for posting essays, it may be an issue for some to post their formal work in public. Personnaly I cannot imagine any good reason why not though, unless there is something to hide. Lights under bushels perhaps.

At 9:40 am, Blogger David J. Betz said...

Hello both, Yes, I have noticed myself that 'diamond in the rough's' subscription rate is far less than it deserves. I will beat the drum once more. It shall take a while, it seems. I believe that Nick is right--it is an individual motivation thing. I am optimistic that as there is more and more to read on these blogs that people will see more the value of them. Which is why I appreciate the enthusiasm of you both. I am attempting to lead by example with my own blog which as you note is subscribed to by most. But as I said there if that is all you're reading you're missing out on a lot. Nick, Pip, please keep it up. I particularly enjoyed these reflective posts and I think they are important to building and maintaining our esprit de corps.

At 9:43 am, Blogger David J. Betz said...

Pip, 13 is also what I've got. Our group of fifteen lost a member who has deferred. Two have not yet created a blog (?!).

At 10:18 am, Blogger Nick Dymond said...


I wonder if the blog aggregator is reporting subscription numbers correctly. eg, I subcribe to Samantha's blog and I assume that you do too (?), yet the aggregator reports that she only has 1 subscriber!



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